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Welcome to the APA Nomination Portal

Serving on an APA board or committee gives you an opportunity to be directly involved in shaping the future of psychology. You will have a voice in changes that affect psychological science, practice, research, education and knowledge.

APA policies are set by the Council of Representatives. But boards and committees can propose policies for council to approve.

APA looks to board and committee members to represent an area of expertise or to represent specific constituencies, such as people of color, practitioners, academicians, researchers, etc. Ad hoc groups (task forces, working groups, panels, etc.) are appointed for a specific purpose and a limited time.

Learn how to get appointed or elected to a committee and participate in the creation of APA policy


Have a voice

Advocate for issues that will shape the future of psychology


Give back

Use your knowledge and experience to help advance psychology in ways that improve lives.


Make a difference

Influence how psychology affects change in society by being an APA leader.

Board and Committee Call for Nominations

The 2024 board and committee call for nominations is now closed. Please check back on December 1, 2024 to participate in the next nomination cycle.

Nominations will be sought for the following boards and committees whose members are elected by the Council of Representatives:

  1. Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest
  2. Board of Convention Affairs
  3. Board of Educational Affairs
  4. Board of Professional Affairs
  5. Board of Scientific Affairs
  6. Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Subspecialties in Professional Psychology
  7. Committee for Global Psychology
  8. Committee for the Advancement of General Applied Psychology
  9. Committee on Rural Health
  10. Ethics Committee
  11. Finance Committee
  12. Membership Board
  13. Policy and Planning Board
  14. Publications and Communications Board

Nominations will be sought for the following committees whose members are appointed by the Board of Directors:

  1. Committee for Postdoctoral Education and Training Programs in Psychopharmacology for Prescriptive Authority
  2. Committee on Aging
  3. Committee on Animal Research and Ethics
  4. Committee on Associate and Baccalaureate Education
  5. Committee on Children, Youth, and Families
  6. Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology
  7. Committee on Division/APA Relations
  8. Committee on Early Career Psychologists
  9. Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs
  10. Committee on Health Equity
  11. Committee on Human Research
  12. Committee on Professional Practice and Standards
  13. Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
  14. Committee on Socioeconomic Status
  15. Committee on Women in Psychology
  16. Continuing Education Committee
  17. Fellows Committee

If you have any questions, please contact the Election Office at

2024 Board of Directors Call for Nominations

Board of Directors - Member-at-Large

The call for nominations has closed. If you have any questions, please contact Abby Green at

Seeking Experts to Serve on APA Panels and Ad Hoc Groups 

Join APA’s Climate Change Community of Scholars and Practitioners

This Community is comprised of scholars and practitioners dedicated to addressing the impact of climate change on society. Openings are currently available and applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Community members support APA’s efforts by:

  • promoting the importance of psychological science in addressing climate change
  • helping build connections between APA and influential organizations/individuals working on climate change
  • providing advice, guidance, and expertise to APA staff on matters of climate science and policy
  • responding to correspondence from APA staff and interacting with other Advisory Group members in electronic discussions
  • attending on-line meetings scheduled by APA staff, which may occur twice a year

How to Apply: The nomination must be completed online and include the following: 

  • CV
  • A brief letter of intent, not to exceed two pages, that includes:
    • Willingness to partake in community engagements
    • Description of the nominee’s qualifications, specifically highlighting how the nominee might contribute to the efforts mentioned above

For additional information about the application process, please contact Mark Chan at

APA Services Logo

A New Way to Support Psychology

APA Services, Inc. is a companion professional organization to the American Psychological Association serving all members and advocating for psychology.

APA represents the largest and most visible national presence advocating for psychology at the federal level. APA advocacy efforts are guided by the Advocacy Coordinating Committee, which evaluates and prioritizes advocacy goals for the discipline of psychology and the professions of psychologists in scientific, educational, public interest, health service practice and applied practice settings.

2024 Advocacy Coordinating Committee Call for Nominations

Nominations will be accepted June 3, 2024 - September 3, 2024.

The Advocacy Coordinating Committee (ACC) consists of no less than 12 members serving 3-year terms. Four new ACC member appointments will begin on January 1, 2025 and end December 31, 2027. Nominations may originate from individuals (including self-nominations), APA boards and committees, APA divisions, and state, provincial and territorial psychological associations (SPTAs).

Nominees must be members, graduate student affiliates of APA, or non-psychologists with relevant state advocacy or leadership experience. Each nomination must include the information listed below.

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Brief statement of interest (max 200 words)
  • Completed diversity matrix (questions located on the electronic nomination form)

All nominations must be submitted online by Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Further information regarding Advocacy Coordinating Committee may be found at Questions may be directed to Andrew Ferreira, Director of Governance and Operations, at

APA Services Logo

Serving on an APA board or committee gives you an opportunity to be directly involved in shaping the future of psychology. You will have a voice in changes that affect psychological science, practice, research, education and knowledge.

APA policies are set by the Council of Representatives. But boards and committees can propose policies for council to approve.

APA looks to board and committee members to represent an area of expertise or to represent specific constituencies, such as people of color, practitioners, academicians, researchers, etc. Ad hoc groups (task forces, working groups, panels, etc.) are appointed for a specific purpose and a limited time.

Learn how to get appointed or elected to a committee and participate in the creation of APA policy

Have a voice

Have a voice

Advocate for issues that will shape the future of psychology

Give Back

Give back

Use your knowledge and experience to help advance psychology in ways that improve lives.

Make a Difference

Make a difference

Influence how psychology affects change in society by being an APA leader.

Help us spread the word

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Election Office